Tuesday, October 8, 2013

DIY Dry Erase Boards

Hi Friends,

Need some new dry erase boards, but don’t have the funds to get new ones? 

Here’s what it looks like: 

Here’s What You Need:
1.      Sheet Protectors (one for each student)
2.    Paper.

Get my FREE paper inserts HERE.

If you need erasers for your kiddos just cut some black felt fabric into small rectangles.  I like using black felt because you can’t see the residual ink from the expo markers. 

I also insert worksheets in sheet protectors and place them in my literacy and math centers so I don’t have to make a ton of copies.  Saves me time and paper!

Till Next Time,

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday


  1. I like your idea with the sheet protectors. I've done it by laminating also instead of sheet protectors. We could laminate anything at our school so that doesn't cost me anything either :) Looking at your past blogs I can tell I will be able to use a lot of your ideas and I'm so thankful for that. :) I just downloaded your CCSS for LA and I'm hoping you can send me the math ones. My email is baquitasslp@gmail.com. Thanks so much and I'm looking forward to your future blogs.

  2. This is a great idea! I, too, have used laminating, but this is a great alternative. You have some really great information on your blog and I love your ideas. This is my second year as a K teacher and I am always looking for information from other teachers that can help in the classroom. Thanks so much for your help. I downloaded your CCSS ELA posters and they are great. Could you please send me the Math set as well? My email address is cherylsmith3@verizon.net. Thanks so much and I look forward to more great ideas on your site.

  3. HI There! I LOVE your common core language arts posters for kindergarten and would love for you to email me your math ones. I want to use them for my observation with my principal! My email is sarahedivine@gmail.com. The language arts ones are posted in my classroom. Thank you so much! I came across your blog on pinterest!

  4. Can you please email me the math standards posters? I love the LA ones! Thank you. megan.hill@d51schools.org

  5. Could you please email me the math standards posters? Thank you for the ELA standards posters!! My email is kayla.strayhorn@gmail.com
